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Own the same bag that Emergency Medical Technicians use. Dividers organize your gear including Sphygmomanometer, CPR Mask w/case, EMT Sheers - 165 pieces of professional products.

  • EMT professionals call on us to provide them with this deluxe First Responder Kit. 
  • Sphygmomanometer, stethoscope, CPR facemask with O2 port, safety vest, Transcend Glucose Gels for Diabetics, manual and 4 sets of Berman Airways
  • tri-cut tape, blanket, antibiotic ointment, ice packs, latex gloves, wraps and gauzes, triangular bandage, sterile cotton-tipped-applicators, tongue depressors, SAM Splint
  • bio-medwash spray, antiseptic wipes, burn products, fine-point forceps, inhalants, eyepads, tourniquet
  • bandages, EMT sheers cuts metal and leather, flashlight, deluxe finger splint & more

EMT/Paramedic First Responder Kit (professional fill)

$129.95 Regular Price
$117.95Sale Price
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